The mission of Philadelphia Academy Charter School is to prepare students to achieve the highest level of their potential academically, socially, and morally. As the College and Career Counselor, I work with students in 9th to 12th grade to explore career and/or college opportunities, help them develop goals, and help them make decisions that will allow them to reach their highest potential. I coach them through the entire decision-making process and ensure that they are best prepared for life after high school graduation.
Information about colleges, trade schools, the military, college entrance exams, programs for students with disabilities, and much more is readily available in the my office. There are several computers available for students to perform college searches, scholarship applications, and other career-related work.
The ASVAB is given at PACS in both the fall and spring of each school year. The PSAT is offered to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students every October. College representatives visit on an almost daily basis every fall, and there are two college fairs every school year- one in the fall and one in the spring.
There are a lot of different websites and resources that answer many common questions regarding college and career planning. I have provided many of them for your reference under the “Resources” tab listed above. Please take full advantage of these resources so that you are better prepared for your future! Among these resources are SAT and ACT exam dates, the Occupational Outlook Handbook that provides information on careers and growth in specific fields, and scholarship search engines.
Communication is key! PACS students and parents all have access to Naviance Family Connection. It is extremely important that all students (especially seniors) log into this program often! Besides college searches, career searches, personality tests, and scholarship info, all college visit announcements will be posted on the Naviance homepage. Students are expected to register for these visits through the Naviance site. Naviance and e-mail are the best ways for me to communicate important events and deadlines, so please check each of them often!

Fill out the form below online. There is a $5 charge for each transcript.
Transcript requests will be accepted via the link below. Transcript requests are processed every Friday. You will receive a confirmation email when your transcript is sent.
Please note this cannot be done over the telephone, as we need written authorization from you to release your records. Any additional instructions or information may be emailed.
* Complete the form below only if you are a former student or PACHS graduate in need of your high school transcript. Current PACHS students can request their transcript through their Naviance accounts.
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Selective Service and Your FAFSA: New Guidelines for Question #22
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15 FAFSA Myths Debunked
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